CITAM is known to offer sound doctrine and credible programs to its many followers

Distressed? CITAM Counsellors Got You Covered!

Distressed? CITAM’s Counsellors Got You Covered!

Confused, anxious, and with loads of medicine running in my bloodstream, I sat across a tiny room with a man of God. I wanted help! Quickly! Effectively! I had rushed to the church for solace after coming into terms with the dark reality that I was hosting known and unknown diseases, including depression. So, my broken heart and confused mind managed to craft words and slowly but surely vomited them through my mouth. I started to go over my childhood experiences and why I felt sort of stuck and broken. I talked. And then I talked some more!

The man of God finally spoke and said, “you have to stop being childish! You are refusing to carry the cross Susan”. He later quoted Jesus in His last minutes on earth as he rebuked Peter by saying, “the cup which my father hath given me, shall I not drink it?” (John 18:11). In other words, if I was as brave as Jesus to drink from the cup of misery, maybe, just maybe, I would not be trying to commit suicide and throwing other “tantrums”. He prayed for me, anointed with oil, and allowed me to serve as a worship leader. I was still sick several years down the line.

Sanctified versus Holy Ailments 

Many in the church of God have sanctified some diseases and demonized others. Let’s say you are suffering from pneumonia or malaria. You decide to visit the man of God, as I did. He may mention demons here and there, but for the most part, the disease is a little holy. It is understandable, hence holy. I am almost sure that you will not be told to stop being childish. Again, the disease is holy.

Mentally ill people, on the other hand, will be anointed as their demons are rebuked and bound in the name of Jesus. Me and my kind are on the receiving end of ignorance and judgement! Yet, we still need professional and practical solutions within the church for the mentally ill. Hence, when I find a church that delivers counselling services, I will talk about it. One such a church is Christ Is the Answer Ministry (CITAM).

Over the years, CITAM is known to offer sound doctrine and credible programs to its thousands of followers. The church has spread its wings, opening new branches and impacting lives with the true and liberating gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even further, you will find several counsellors on standby from Tuesday to Friday, ready to listen, counsel, and pray with you.

If you are distressed, call 0709891150 or go to for information about their programs.